Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holiday Crafts

Hope you all had a great holiday!

I went to Iowa to visit my family for Christmas. There was catching up, eating, playing games and - of corse- presents.

This year, I made zombie Tshirts for everyone. Zombies are kinda my thing...
And I got a great book called Ten Little Zombies; A Love Story.

I got a lot of crafty things this year also. Two books: Creepy Cute Crochet and Easy Crochet Critters

I also got a ton of yarn. I love the look of skeins of yarn.

Rainbow ones...

These have specks of different colors. Reds, yellows, blues, ect

Pyramids of rolls

I love this color...

Greens in cotton and acrylic.

Lots of different blues...

Cotton yarns...

This bright color would make for a good bracelet...

And all my rainbow colors...

And of corse some crochet hooks...

Hope you had a very crafty holiday season!

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