Monday, October 24, 2011


BORED?!!?!?!!? Well here are some things to do!

1. read
2. cook
3. paint
4. draw a picture
5. color
6. make a fort
7. draw a cartoon/comic
8. listen to music
9. sing
10. dance
11. write jokes
12. edit clothes
13. make flowers
14. make jewelry
15. clean room
16. organize desk
17. put away clots
18. spray paint
19. sew
20. design clots
21. make clothes
22. crochet a blanket
23. make a hat
24. make a scarf
25. make mittens
26. make fingerless gloves
27. design rings
28. solve a rubix cube
29. play with bucky balls
30. watch a new movie
31. go grocery shopping
32. play dress up
33. be a spy
34. walk the dogs
35. dress up the dogs
36. teach the dogs tricks
37. write a story
38. take pictures
39. make silly videos
40. make a list
41. play with nerf guns
42. pretend to fish off the top bunk
43. move furniture
44. reorganize closet
45. have a tea party
46. read a childrens book
47. play with clay
48. hang pictures
49. frame artwork
50. where’s waldo
51. listen to music
52. write music
53. play violin
54. fix baby
55. make a rice box/play in it
56. call family
57. take a bath with ice-cream and waffles and a book
58. play with cars
59. brush your dog
60. make a felt acorn
61. make a felt bracelet
62. play with felting
63. have a facial
64. play with hair
65. do funky makeup
66. make a fairy
67. go for a run
68. exercise
69. embroider
70. play with embroidery thread
71. knit socks
72. text a friend
73. edit pictures
74. write quotes
75. surf the net

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