Friday, May 18, 2012

Back to Blogging

Blogging, how I've missed you.

Well, not really.

I totally forgot about Artsy Gal. And it seems many people missed me in my absence. Over 100 views in April. New record. Whoop whoop.

I've been so busy with school and dance and everything I haven't even thought about my (or anyone else's) blog. I haven't even really had time for art. How sad?

Hopefully after finals (only three more weeks of school!) I'll get back to art more. I have been doing some drawing, though nothing too spectacular.

Sorry, but more posts soon I hope.

P.S. Sites like Facebook and Google need to learn: don't try to fix what's not broken! BTW I'm protesting Timeline.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Something thats been bothering me...

I read this blog a few days ago that was about art, but there was this random thing about how her niece got attacked by a shark last year. A SHARK. Just another reason to avoid the ocean...

I'm pretty terrified by sharks, but then this happened yesterday..

Yes, I got into a fight with a toy shark and penguin at a toy store.

No my question is, why is everthing cuter and less menacing in stuffed animal form?

And cartoon form?

Is that not adorable?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I just found the blog Sugardale Clothing, and love petticoat tutorial. Soon, I'll have a pretty petticoat and a circle skirt!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

Green is such a pretty color.... and the weather is nice here in Chicago!


It might sound a little stupid, but I don't even know what St. Patrick's day is about. Ireland, I got that. And leprechauns and rainbows and the color green.

TOP: Clovers, Green Roses
BOTTOM: Green Tunnel, Luck of Summer Rain

TOP: Magical Vases, Lucky Gold Rocks, Rainbow Pudding
BOTTOM: Pot of Gold Gift Favors, Cupcake Hat, Leprechaun

TOP: Gold and Clover Cookies, Green Jello, Clover Pizza
BOTTOM: Rainbow Cupcakes, Coconut Lime Scones, Key Lime Pie

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Paper Art

A friend of mine owns the sight Paper Dreams. Her stuff is really nice.

She makes paper crane toothpics,

beautiful heart necklaces

and folded star earrings.

I just love her stuff!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Some Upcoming Projects...

I have a few projects planned and hopefully over the next few weeks I'll make a few of them and have some tutorials!

This clutch is just so cute! I'm thinking I'll use black fabric paint to make the mustaches and then sew up a purse.

I think this would make a really cute accessory, but I won't pay eight dollars for it when I can make it myself. It looks like it shouldn't even take that long...

I've seen shrike dink rings before but I just learned how to make them. I love this design and unicorns, so maybe I can make my own!

This one isn't made out of shrike dink, but I figure if I make the diamond part and a separate band I could just melt them together.

I'm loving this look of the fur hood and a different color fur mittens (faux of corse), and I've worked with fur a little in the past. It is a little late in winter to be making this kind of clothes though... Ah well, I'll have it for next year.

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some cool results!

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Design...

I decided it was time to revamp the layout of the blog, so now it has a purple-grey color scheme and a nice image as the header. Everything is still in the same place and none of the links have changed. Hope you like it!